Implementation Research Program FK-KMK UGM batch 5 had been start. On Monday, Agust, 16, 2021 had been done virtually from their own place the welcoming students within lecturer and supporting staff.
Starting with the speech from FK–KMK which is represented by Prof. dr. Gandes Retno Rahayu, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D as vice Dean of Academic and Students. Continued with the speech frm dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, MSc., Ph.D as vice Dean of Research and Development also as Board Program Implementation Research.
In this event, IR management had been explain information about the major. This explanation about IR student activities from batch 1-4 had been done by dr. Elsa and Prof. Ari.
The student of IR Batch 5 are 20 students, who are from Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Myanmar, Timor Leste, and Indonesia. They are hope all activities will do in face, so they can enjoy the university atmosphere.
The explanation continued by Luthfi Aziztunnisa, S. Ked. MPH, who present the IR Connect. This is the platform specialized IR alumni at all universities. In this platform, all alumni can access lot of information also job vacancy. They also give the messages about their experience in FK-KMK UGM.
Welcoming students with lecturer and supporting staff done in good way. In the end, Dr. Dra. Retna Padmawati, MA conducted a comfortable discussion. In this discussion, students are freely to ask about the activities or administration to management.
This agenda had been done before the first lecture is start. The aims was to know each other between students and management IR also supporting staff. In addition, the communication can be good in the future