Implementation Research Students of Batch 6 engaged in social culture event that was held in Tuksongo Tourism Village (Desa Wisata) in Magelang, Central Java. Various agendas were carried out during the two days of event (18-19/11). Twelve students from various countries participated in this activitiy, including Bangladesh, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Malaysia, and Myanmar.
Students were invited by the community to make batik on the first day (traditional Indonesian cloth). They received instruction and a brief history of the philosophy of batik as well as the necessity of improvising when the wax accidentally ruin the prior design. Then, students are invited to paint the mask made from paper. Selling paper mask is one of the ways from the community surrounding to make a living.
Another agendas conducted were playing gamelan, practicing traditional dance, and making the udheng. Udheng is a head cover made of cloth which was the daily equipment of the Javanese and Balinese people in the early 1900s until now it is part of the traditional attire. Students were also invited to visit Borobudur Temple which is one of the popular destinations in Indonesia.
In the evening, all activities were centered in one of traditional meeting rooms (joglo) at Balkondes Tuksongo. This activity is part of student hospitality with lecturers and teaching staff. Lecturers who accompanied students were dr. E. Elsa H. Murhandarwati, M.Kes., Ph.D; Dr. dr. Retna Siwi Padmawati, MA; Dr. dr. Ning Rintiswati, M. Kes. The agenda carried out was relaxed discussions related to lectures, motivation to graduate on time, with several games with the teaching staff.
On the second day, students were on a VW tour to some interesting places. Students were encouraged to use their creativity to create a variety of accessories out of clay at a ceramic studio. After that, they were asked to visit a location where palm sugar is produced and to taste the authentic local cuisine.
Special Program of Implementation Research routinely conducts the Social Culture event to improve communication between lecturers, students, and staff. Similar initiatives were previously completed by students of Batch 5 in the Tembi Tourism Village, Bantul.