The academic activities for even semester of 2022-2023 academic year are planned to start in mid-February. In order to prepare for the lectures, the Implemetation Research Program of FK-KMK UGM held an academic meeting on Friday (03/02). Located on the 2nd Floor of the Tahir Foundation Postgraduate Building, North Wing, this meeting invited all coordinators of even semester courses.
The discussion included the assessment from students in previous lectures. This meeting was opened by dr. Elsa H. Murhandarwati, M.Kes., Ph.D as the coordinator of IR Program UGM. The presentation of the evaluation of each courses was delivered by Prof. dr. Ari N. Probandari, MPH., Ph.D as the academic coordinator of the program. Each course presented showed the evaluation results that has been given by students. In the evaluation, students also provide suggestions and input for lecturers.
In addition to this, Prof. dr. Ari N. Probandari, MPH., Ph.D also informed about the steps that must be taken by the program related to external cooperation. One of which is related to courses accredited by the TropEd Network. These courses accredited are one of the highlights from the program since it can be taken by students from various campuses around the world.
This hybrid meeting discussed many things including information on the progress of student’s research, as well as the obstacles experienced by students while in the field. The Implemetation Research program records various problems so that they can be followed up and resolved properly.