Health Policy and Management

Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, MSc, PhD
Classification: compulsory

This course discusses the nature of policy and management science adopted in the health sector. Science Policy to develop studies about the relationship between government and the private sector, the distribution of authority and responsibilities among various levels of government, studying the relationship between policy formulation and implementation, discusses the ideology of the policy, to debate the meaning of health reform. In planning and implementing health policy, management theory and concepts cannot be ignored. This course also seeks to equip students to understand the principles used in general management in health care institutions. This debriefing form of teaching the principles of management that is expected to be developed independently by students. It is expected that by following this course the students are able to: understand policy science and its application in health sector; understand policy process and its implementation in health sector; understand the relationship of policy and management sciences; understand the management principles and their application in health sector; learn more about the various case- specific policy and management in the health sector.

 Session Topic
1 Health Systems and Health Policy  Framework: context, process and actors
2 Establish processes and policies that affect the forces
3 Health Sector Reform in the World and in Indonesia
4 Decentralization Policy and Governance Health sector
5 Policy Implementation
6 Conducting Policy Analysis
7 Management principles for health care institutions
8 Human Aspects in Organizational Management System Service
9 Running Technical Systems
10 Renewal of the Organisation
11 Mapping the future
12 Future issues in health management