Last June (29-30/06), Implementation Research students of FKKMK UGM and several Master Students of Tropical Medicine visited the Institute of Vector and Reservoir Control Research and Development (B2P2VRP) in Salatiga.
Students participated in a variety of activities while accompanied by lecturers dr. E. Esa Herdiana Muhandarwati, M.Kes., Ph.D and Dr. Dra. Retna Siwi Padmawati, MA. On the first day, students were given information on Salatiga’s B2P2VRP profile as well as lectures from B2P2VRP.
The students then tested home insecticides. Students were divided into two groups for this session. At the Insecticide Laboratory, both perform insecticide testing. A spray mosquito repellent is the sort of household insecticide utilized. On the second day, students are instructed to watch, take notes, and read the outcomes.
In the afternoon, all students who took part in the visit went to one of Salatiga’s villages for mosquito larvae collection activities. In this session, students were divided into four groups, each with a B2P2VRP supervisor. They continued to collect mosquitos near the residents’ cattle barns after looking for mosquito larvae.
Officers from B2P2VRP, Salatiga accompanied the mosquito identification activities on the second day. Officers provide students with information for identifying mosquitos. Students examine several mosquito-related topics in more deeply. Anopheles mosquito was identified.
Field Visit to B2P2VRP, Salatiga is a routine agenda carried out by Implementation Research Special Programme. The last visit to Salatiga was in early 2020 before the travel restriction due to the pandemic.