Implementation Research students in the even semester of 2022/2023 take two mandatory courses that have been accredited by TropEd. These two courses are “Infection Control: Theory and Practice” and “Strategy to Improve Supply and Utilization of Drugs and Vaccines for Tropical Diseases”.
The current ongoing course is “Infection Control: Theory and Practice”. Students receive various information related to controlling and preventing infections in the community.
To support the theory learned in class, students are taken to visit three different institutions. They are taken on a tour of Sardjito Hospital to see how the hospital serves patiens, the facilities provided, the hospital laboratory, and the waste disposal process.
The second institution visited by Implementation Research students is the Narcotics Penitentiary Institution in Sleman. During this visit, students are taken on a tour to see the conditions of the cells, health facilities, and the prison kitchens.
The same activity is carried out when students visit the Puskesmas Ponjong 1 (Community Health Center) in Gunungkidul. The health center invites students to directly see the facilities and rooms provided for patients, especially those with infectious diseases.
After the three visits, students are asked to present various findings and give input to the institutions that have been visited. Students create a report that is done in groups and presented together with the coordinator of the course.
The “Infection Control: Theory and Practice” course is not only taken by Implementation Research students but can also be taken as an elective course by Tropical Medicine Postgraduate students and foreign students interested, especially from the TropEd Network. In 2023, one student from Australia takes the “Infection Control: Theory and Practice” course. Throughout accredited by the TropEd Network, these 2 courses always have foreign students participating.