IR FK-KMK UGM. Students of the Special Program in Implementation Research WHO-TDR, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FMPHN), UGM visited. Research and Development Center for Disease Vectors and Reservoirs (B2P2VRP) in Salatiga (22-23/06). They participated in practical and field visit sessions. The group was welcomed by Ibu Lulus Susanti, SKM., MPH as the acting Head of B2P2VRP Salatiga.
All theories regarding Vector-Borne and Zoones Diseases Control were delivered on the first day in 3 sessions, which included; Vector-Borne Diseases in Indonesia, an Overview of Leptospirosis, and Community Empowerment For Controlling Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. Besides the theories given in the classroom, students joined the field practice activity. They were involved directly in collecting mosquito larvae, capturing mosquitoes outdoors, and monitoring cattle pens during nighttime. This practical exercise took place in one of the villages located in the Tuntang sub-district of Semarang Regency.
In addition to classroom lectures, students are invited to field practice. They were directly invited to collect mosquito larvae, and catch mosquitoes outdoors and in cattle pens at night. This activity was carried out in one of the villages in Tuntang sub-district, Semarang Regency. On the second day, students practiced mosquito morphology. They were taught to identify the type of mosquitoes from last night’s catch, or mosquito samples that B2P2VRP Salatiga had prepared. This activity was carried out in one of B2P2VRP Salatiga’s laboratories.
At the end of the activity, IR students were invited to visit the Vector World Museum. Here students saw various collections in B2P2VRP Salatiga. During this visit, there were 17 IR students accompanied by lecturers and a group of master students from Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Sciences for a parasitology minor. This visit is a routine agenda carried out by the Special Program of Implementation Research, with the TDR Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme. From this activity, students will gain more knowledge about various diseases that exist, especially in Indonesia.